Thursday 1 March 2012

Install Macromedia Flash/Shockwave plug-in

Flash Plug-in 9.0
32-bit instructions:
To automatically install/update the Macromedia Flash version 9.0 plug-in install the YUM configuration RPM direction from Adobe:
# rpm -ihv
You can read more about Adobe's options for installing the Flash Plug-in at
64-bit instructions:
The Adobe repositories aren't set up to handle 64-bit architectures so you have to get the same package but from a different source. You need to download This File and copy it to your /etc/yum.repos.d directory.
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# wget
Both architecture instructions:
One you have the correct repository you just have to do this to install the Flash plug-in version 9.0:
# yum -y install flash-plugin
You can get more information about this plug-in at Before the plug-in gets installed you'll need to agree to the terms of the license.
Special 64-bit instructions:
Now the problem with 64 bit, even on Windows, is that most plug-ins are still for some reason only available in a 32 bit version. This is a problem because a 64 bit version of Firefox can only use 64 bit plugins. There are several ways to solve this and the easiest method seems to change all the time. Until all plug-ins are available in 64 bit versions some type of hack will be necessary.
As several people have mentioned in the comments section below, the nspluginwrapper is becoming the preferred way of solving this problem. What this plug-in does is allow 32-bit plug-ins to be used in a 64-bit browser. Installing it is not complicated but you do have to be careful to "refresh" it any time you install/update any 32-bit plugins.
You can download the latest plug-in and viewer, BOTH are necessary, from then install them. If you had previously installed the 32-bit version of Firefox you'll need to remove that first. The versions are accurate as of the time I wrote this so you might need to update the paths below if the versions were updated and I haven't updated this guide yet.
# rpm -ev firefox-32
# rpm -ihv \
If you do update/add/remove any 32-bit plug-ins you'll need to run a command line program to make sure the wrapper catches the update:
$ nspluginwrapper -u

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